Monday, August 16, 2010

ikea hacker: Hanging wall light

Once again I am on ikea hacker with the Hanging wall light. Go read the comments and see how clever everyone thinks I am. Even though this was, as was the last hack, really simple.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

I am on ikea hacker

ikea hacker is a wonderful site whose name is self explanatory. I have submitted a few 'hacks' of my own and one, Undersink Rubbish bin-like hanger thingy has made it to the blog so far. Go check it out.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Wingnut Texas Rep. Debbie Riddle Pushes Louie Gohmert's 'Terror Babies' Conspiracy Theory | Video Cafe

This picture has not been altered. Bat. Shit. Crazy.
Apparently the lone star on the Texas flag represents the asshole where they pull...well, hell, this is just batshit crazy. I don't really intend to put up posts that are just links to other blogs, but, well, this is bat. shit. crazy. via Crooks & Liars.

Wingnut Texas Rep. Debbie Riddle Pushes Louie Gohmert's 'Terror Babies' Conspiracy Theory | Video Cafe

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Smallest Two Storey Building in the World

Ladies and Gentlemen, Caballeros y Damas. This is the smallest two storey building in the world. I walked around it. There are no hidden connections. It is what you see. To give you an idea of how small it is, if you look closely you can see it is a store, but you cannot go inside, because there is only enough room for the woman who is working there. So all the merchandise is facing out. How do you get upstairs? Funny, that's what I asked myself. So I had a peek inside. Against the back wall there is a ladder. Upstairs seems to be storage. I defy you to find a smaller two storey building.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Welcome to My World

Well, this is it. My blogue. Yes, I spell it with 'ue', as it should be. It is a silly word to begin with. If it is going to be abbreviated, 'logue' would do, like “personal logue, stardate 27653.8.” These are not the only rules I will be breaking for now. There are some general rules for how to make successful blogues, that I in the most part agree with. The most important of which is 'focus'. As anyone who knows me knows, this is not one of my strong suits and, at least for the time being, will not be followed. The subject matter will fly all over the place. Perhaps later I will organize my thoughts a little better and divide things up according by topics on different sites. For the time being this is more of a personal logue in which I will also include rantings of my own special interests.

This is not my my first blogue. My first I began in the 90s, before the word 'blogue' existed. I called it a travelogue and included blurry photos from a cheap digital camera and my equally blurry thoughts about the world I was travelling through at the time, a world I called planetxan, for it was the world as through my senses. This was never an attempt to put myself at the centre of the world, or even a world. It is simply an acknowledgement of the limitations of personal experience. Rather than showing you the world through my eyes, I am merely recognizing that it is almost impossible to overcome the illusion that we are our personalities. I only have this one vantage point right now, through the eyes and ears, the thoughts, the prejudices, the psychological hang-ups, experience, and time-line of this person called 'Xan'. It is not my planet, it is my point of view. Like the Medicine Wheel of the Natives of the Plain, when we all add in our point of view, the picture in the middle of us, the medicine wheel, the world that we all share, will become clearer.

By far the most interesting part of my travelogue was all the people on the message board that weighed in. I invite you to continue the reunion in cyberspace and comment freely on any and everything.